Ben Ward

A very English gripe

. Updated: .

The make-up of an Englishman varies dramatically depending on the context of the appending blog post, but right now let’s say it’s 33% fine roast meat, 33% penalty shoot outs and 34% whinging about the weather.

This has been an outstanding week for weather gripes in England. We’re having a pretty staggering heat wave and there’s no breeze so none of us can sleep in 23˚ temperatures. Yet we still managed to rain off the first day of our annual tennis tournament.

What it is to be English.


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  1. Adam: That’s what golfing brollies are for :D

    As for an Englishman’s makeup, I think it’s only a select few like Eddie Izzard who go for that look ;)

    On the plus side (since I’m reading this a little late) Rooney deserved it, and it’s rained since then, or at least cooled down.

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