Ben Ward

Two Point Oh Yeah!

. Updated: .

d.Construct was an absolute blast and I’ll try to write it up properly soon. Meanwhile, I have to move to Birmingham so I’ve been trying to finish the website for Stuart and my little side project.

Presenting Two Point Oh Yeah! T-Shirts for the AJAX generation.

A few of us have been wearing the tees for a week now and the ‘Well Fed’ feed icon design has gone down a storm. We’ve not got the website how we’d like it just yet, but since demand is there we’ve got a placeholder to tide you over and you can buy the shirts directly from Spreadshirt who’re doing the printing.

There are separate stores for the US and European orders, so import taxes and transatlantic shipping need not be a problem.

The full website will drop in a week or so at, once I’ve moved and regained internet access.


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