Ben Ward

What to do with

. Updated: .

A long time ago, in a galaxy just south of Cambridge I ran a website. It was called Students’ Social. It was a site used by college friends for a few years and lasted a little way into our university years. Then it died. Everyone went away and now I don’t even have the domain hooked up on my current web hosting.

So, with the domain up for renewal in February this is the last call. Should I renew it for any reason? Or would any individual out there like to take it off my hands? Ultimately, I’d hate to see it snapped up by some bastard, scum‑of‑the‑earth domain hoarder. If you’d like it then get in touch.


Previously, I hosted responses and commentary from readers directly on this site, but have decided not to any more. All previous comments and pingbacks are included here, but to post further responses, please refer me to a post on your own blog or other network. See instructions and recommendations of ways to do this.

  1. You could always try auctioning it on somewhere like, although I guess that might end up in scum-of-earth-ownage.

    Personally, I’m just waiting for scum-of-earth types to let go of domains I want :D

  2. it’s a great shame that the forum died as it would have been a more interesting way of keeping in touch than the oh-so-irritating myspace and just-about-tolerable facebook. if you can think of a clever way of reviving it that would be great, but failing that i guess it’s time to let it go…

  3. Ben

    I can think of something rather clever, actually. But I’ve got no idea if I’ll have the time to do it. I’ve got so many other projects on the back-burner… Hmmm.

    I shall weigh up and perhaps drop a tenner to keep the domain for two more years if I think it’s a good idea. Facebook does seem to have become the de-facto replacement for SS though. And as you say, it is just-about-tolerable. I like that it lets you link in posts from external sources. As such, my Flickr stream and blog are now tied in my Facebook Notes. I don’t pay much attention to FB at all, but any old friends that do use it are kept in my loop.

    I must give them credit for that, since otherwise I’d have abandoned FaceBook like I have all the others.

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