Ben Ward

On Monday I will mostly be graduating.

. Updated: .

Yes, the official conclusion to my university years is upon us and I’ll be back in Manchester for the day on Monday 10th for my Graduation. It’s strange, for a long time I was a bit indifferent towards graduation, perhaps I’d just not really thought about it very much. Now I’m quite keen to stop into Manchester again, hopefully see a few people.

Also, if you’re really, really bored on Monday morning at 10am, it transpires that the university are doing a live webcast of graduation ceremonies. I’ve no idea how reliable or functional it is (it does use RealPlayer…). Regardless, since we’re limited to only two guests each, I suspect my Grandparents will appreciate it.


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  1. Good to see you’re using UMIST logo rather than the new Uni one ;)

    Apparently the live feed was quite good – my grandparents were watching it from the ‘live cinema link’ in the Roscoe building.

    Also, if you’re really, really, really bored at any time, you can watch the ceremony from the archive!

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