Ben Ward

Back from Holiday, New Job, Life Update

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Well, this is proving to be a busy busy week.

I had a fabulous 10 days in Malta with my family. Not really had a family holiday in a while so it was strangely refreshing. There are a some photos on Flickr.

Secondly: I have a job. In fact, not only do I have a job I have what looks to be a great job. I now work for YObject (capitalisation is up for debate) in Birmingham. We’re building something rather Web 2.0, but actually with a purpose. It’s an opportunity to build a really cool webapp, there’s the freedom to indulge in technology somewhat and when I’m done with it, I’m confident there will be at least one Microformat on every single page. In fact, I fancy our chances of setting a record for the number of different Microformats used in a single application, but I guess we’ll all have to wait and see. One way or another, I’m really rather excited.

All that needs to be done is to find a flat in Birmingham and work out how to move all my stuff back out of the loft. I suspect I’ll be travelling by horse box again.

In other news:

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