Ben Ward


. Updated: .

The Champagne is uncorked because I got a 2:1. Whoop.


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  1. Having not gone to University I’m not entirely sure what a 2-1 really means, but I believe that it’s something good.

    Either way, congrats. :)

  2. Ben

    Jon: Depressingly my result was delivered via telephone the day after I moved out of Manchester. That said, Champagne and red wine at the expense of my parents is finding its way out of the bottle.

    Ann: I suppose it’s like a B grade.

    Matthew: Have a second class Big Mac on the house.

  3. Congratulations! Now get bladdered! Weeeeeeeeeee!

    Yup, that’s what tends to happen when people get bladdered. Hence the name, really.

    That aside, 2:1 4tehBen 4tehwin!

  4. Congrats! And good luck with your job hunting.

    UMIST/Manchester would have been more useful if they’d actually announced they’d pinned our class up on the board, though! And in other news, I went back to family-home yesterday (just dropped in quickly to pick some bits up) and my actual ‘unofficial’ transcript had turned up that day (‘unofficial’ in that it says it’s for personal use, but it won’t stop me showing it to employers if they’re interested)

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