Ben Ward

Unexpected Obligatory “See you at @media” Post

. Updated: .

Somewhat surprisingly I’m attending @media again this year. Whoop whoop. It’s nice to be seeing people again and this time there’re some individuals I must ensure I track down properly. Drew and Colly, this means you.

Since my spot only revealed itself today I already had other plans to join in !Media on Thursday afternoon and I’m sticking by that. Football in Hyde Park is go. I remembered to buy the football too, which is probably helpful in some way.

Basically, since my brief plan of attending the Flickr Parisian Meetup this weekend fell through, I’m treating @/!Media as a bit of a post-uni holiday. I’ll be in London on Thursday and Friday and then enjoying a nice Saturday of tourism with Faruk and Hanni in the capital. For the most part I fucking hate London™, but in a capacity as a tourist I reckon it’ll be a nice day.

If you’re attending, I hope you enjoy it and look forward to meeting you.


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  1. Lucky you! I remember badgering you into saving up for @media2006 last year. Silly me, I thought my new, larger company would want to send me but no such luck. Am so jealous of everyone who is there right now, while I’m sat at work.

    Hope you enjoy it.

  2. Ben

    Aw, that’s a shame Emma. I’ve not spoken to Paul yet, although I did walk passed him and had he not been deep in conversation with someone I was going to say ‘Hi’ and ask after you as well.

    Ah well, perhaps next year then?

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